
National Park Risnjak, Croatia - visit with rijekatrips.com

National Park Risnjak, Croatia - visit with rijekatrips.com

National Park Risnjak, Croatia - visit with rijekatrips.com

National Park Risnjak, Croatia - visit with rijekatrips.com
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at least 24 hours in advance
Monument of Liberation on Delta(Meeting point)
Are you ready for one of the best hiking trips you'll ever have?
Hiking through thick forrests of the national park enjoying the sights on Kvarner bay and it's islands, Istria and Julian Alps is something you should definitely experience.
NP Risnjak got it's name from a wild cat lynx (ris = lynx) to whom this massif is a natural habitat along with wolves and bears. Park covers the area of 6530 ha, contains numerous peaks (the highest one with 1528 m we are conquering as a part of the trip) and is considered one of the most beautiful mountains in Croatia.
Forrest that is fundamental phenomena of protection for this park and richness of wildlife will leave you speechless while we hike through the heart of the national park.
The track is medium difficulty with long walks and hikes that will get even the fittest ones catching their breath so we hope you're in shape.
There'll be time time for relaxing and enjoying lunch in mountain cabine, but hiking is the main activity.
Let's go!!!
It's hiking time!!!
Trip includes: a bottle of drinking water, lunch in mountain cabine, transportation with a van and knowledge of our mountain guide Davor
Neccessary to have: shoes for hiking, extra t-shirt, one warm long-sleeve shirt, snacks for energy
Trip duration: 9 h
Price: on request
Meeting point: in front of Monument of Liberation on Delta (location marked on map)
Minimal group of 3 participants is necessary for organizing this trip.
Maximal group of 8 participants - all of our trips are based on small groups so we can provide you with a better service
This trip can be customized.
If you're interested, contact us with the following information:
When would you like to take this trip?
How many people will be taking this trip with you?